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Revision Guide
For parents, For students

Revision Guide

2024-05-06 17:29:16 |    0

Revision is the cornerstone of academic achievement, but it's more than just skimming through notes or watching videos. It requires active participation and planning. In this guide, we'll delve into the art of effective revision, covering what, when, and how to revise, tailored to your  needs and schedule.

Understanding Your Revision Needs:

Before diving into revision, it's crucial to assess where you stand. An excellent way to do this is by using a system called the Red, Amber, Green (RAG) system. Print out a topic list for each subject and categorise them using the RAG system. Red signifies areas needing the most attention, Amber for those requiring some improvement, and Green for topics you're confident in. This visual aid will help prioritise your efforts and streamline your revision process.

Crafting Your Revision Schedule:

A well-thought-out revision timetable is essential for maximising your study sessions. Take into account your daily routine and school commitments. Allocate specific time slots for each subject, focusing more on those where you need improvement. Remember to be flexible and adjust your schedule as needed based on your progress and upcoming exams.

Active Revision Techniques:

Passive revision won't cut it when it comes to retaining information. Experiment with different techniques to keep your mind engaged:

  • Break your study sessions into manageable chunks, such as 25-minute intervals with short breaks or longer sessions with intervals.

  • Utilise active learning methods like summarising content in your own words, teaching concepts to a friend, or creating mnemonic devices.

  • Incorporate visual aids like mind maps, diagrams, and flashcards to reinforce learning and aid memory retention.

  • The Pomodoro Technique

    • The Pomodoro Technique is a popular time management strategy that divides work into manageable intervals, usually 25 minutes in duration, followed by short breaks. This structured approach helps individuals maintain focus and productivity by allowing them to work in concentrated bursts, known as 'Pomodoros.' By breaking tasks into smaller, more manageable segments, the Pomodoro Method reduces the likelihood of burnout and procrastination while enhancing concentration and motivation. Additionally, the frequent breaks provide opportunities for rest and mental recharge, leading to improved overall efficiency and performance. It can be even more useful to use guided timers on youtube, for example one that looks like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUXNiDJJ_9s 

Subject-specific Strategies:


  • Start by tackling Red topics, watching instructional videos actively, and practicing online questions until confident.

  • Move on to Amber topics, employing the same approach.

  • Utilise tutor sessions for clarification and guidance on challenging topics.


  • Assess your confidence levels on various text aspects and create study aids like summaries, character charts, or thematic analysis.

  • Practice past papers to familiarise yourself with exam formats and refine your exam technique.

  • Seek feedback from tutors or peers to identify areas for improvement.

Sciences and Other Subjects:

  • Prioritise topics using the RAG system and revise using active learning methods like creating concept maps or engaging in problem-solving activities.

  • Test your understanding with practice questions and seek clarification from tutors on challenging concepts.

Effective revision is a journey that requires dedication, active participation, and the willingness to adapt your approach. By implementing these strategies and staying committed to your goals, you'll be better equipped to excel in your exams and achieve academic success. Start implementing these strategies into your revision routine today and share your progress and tips with us in the comments section below. Together, let's conquer the revision process and unlock your full potential!